Price List
Consultation: £80.00.
This payment needs to be made when booking your appointment and is non-refundable. The following examinations may be done at this time depending on your complaint.
Cardiovascular Exam
Visceral Exam
Neurological Exam
Orthopaedic Exam
Chiropractic Exam
Should an X-ray be required and justified accordingly this can be done onsite.
Full Spine (3 series): £300.00
Sectional (1 Series): £200.00
Sectional(2 Series): £250.00
Sectional Extremity: £100.00
Once a diagnosis has been made the Chiropractor will provide you with a Treatment plan. This will include a prognosis, reviews, frequency of treatments and cost. See below for current 2024 treatment prices
£80.00 per treatment
£35.00-£55.00 per treatment for discounted block payments
Discounted block payments are also available and tailored to your case. These can be made as a single payment and can reduce individual treatments to as little as £35.00. During the report of findings the Chiropractor will discuss the different options open to you.
Keep posted for prices on residential weeks in the UK and Europe
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